Guidelines for Submissions

  1. If you would like to write a post for the blog, submit a synopsis of your proposed topic to Two or three sentences should be sufficient. Most blog posts will be between 800 and 1500 words, but this is not a rigid requirement.

  2. Suggest a date when your post will be ready for review by the editor.

  3. The editor may, with buy-in of the writer or publisher, reformat or lightly edit grammar and style to conform to our editorial design criteria.

  4. Any substantive editing will be shared with the writer for collaboration.

  5. The editor may request supporting facts and sources.

  6. Writers will share copyrights of published posts with the blog, except for articles previously posted at other sites or in other publications, which will retain their rights.

  7. The editor will decide whether and when to publish your post.

  8. Be aware of the FEN Principles in your writing.

  9. To facilitate understanding and avoid confusion, the blog will promote the use of standard terms and phrases used by FEN in discussing end-of-life issues.

  10. Requests for payment or donations of any kind are not allowed.
  11. This blog is not intended for promotion of services or products, with the possible exception of publications relevant to right-to-die issues.