NOTE: Posts and comments on The Good Death Society Blog are the views of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Final Exit Network, its board, or volunteers.

New Final Exit Network website

We are happy to announce that the redesigned FEN website is up and running. It has been many years since our website was updated, and this update gives us a chance to make the site more focused and easier to navigate. Along with updating the appearance of the site, the redesign allowed us to improve functionality.

  • The process for applying for Exit Guide services is clearly outlined, and the Request for Guide Services form allows for quicker responses to those who are suffering or simply need information.
  • The Speakers Bureau process is streamlined and ties into the calendar, with four upcoming items displayed on the home page. During the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person speaking engagements have been postponed. But the Speakers Bureau is experimenting with video conference presentations, and this may provide another option for presenting once the pandemic is behind us.
  • The Donate button leads more directly to discrete levels of membership and includes instructions on other ways to donate (e.g. bequests, IRAs, and so forth).

We consider this our basic redesign and plan ongoing improvements. So take a spin through the site. If you have comments or suggestions, send them to We appreciate your input and support.


Author Mary Ewert, FEN Executive Director

More posts by Mary Ewert, FEN Executive Director

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