“One of the most common questions asked by people considering ending their suffering is how to start the conversation with family members and friends.”
“One of the most common questions asked by people considering ending their suffering is how to start the conversation with family members and friends.”
Do you know what can go wrong without advance directives and an end-of-life plan? You have NO IDEA.
More FEN members share why they care about the right to die in general, and why they joined FEN in particular.
Does “getting your affairs in order” include planning your own funeral? Here’s why it should.
Why was suicide illegal, and what is the biblical basis for preaching about an eternal hell?
Has anyone ever told you that suicide (by whatever name) interferes with the will of God? It doesn’t, if you really know what the Bible says.
A call to action for anyone who is or knows a Minnesota resident.
A chaplain’s view of psilocybin in end-of-life care.
More stories from FEN members about why the right to die is important to them.