Psilocybin from mushrooms is making a comeback as an aid to reduce anxiety for the dying. Here’s an overview from psychologist and right-to-die advocate Judith Gordon.
Psilocybin from mushrooms is making a comeback as an aid to reduce anxiety for the dying. Here’s an overview from psychologist and right-to-die advocate Judith Gordon.
Advice from hospice physician Karen Wyatt to make sure your exit is on your terms.
Ethicist and right-to-die champion Margaret Pabst Battin shares some important lessons from COVID-19.
Part 2 of my conversation with Dave Warnock, an atheist who was recently diagnosed with ALS and who spent over 30 years as a fundamentalist evangelical Christian minister.
Dave Warnock is a former fundamentalist evangelical Christian minister who rejected his faith and was later diagnosed with ALS. Here’s the first of a two-part conversation.
More stories from FEN members about why the right to die is important to them.
How does a religiously conservative social worker in rural North Dakota become a judge and advocate for the right to die?
Austria’s Constitutional Court, located in Vienna, has ruled that a law banning assisted suicide is overly broad and therefore unconstitutional.
Why is the right to die important to you? Why did you join FEN? Here’s what our members said.