The slippery slope, voluntary decision-making, and equal protection

By | Final Exit Network, Medical Aid in Dying, Right-to-Die Laws, Suffering and Death, The Right to Die | 13 Comments

Slippery slope arguments deny rationality, moral precepts, and legal principles. Few of us who believe in a right to die go beyond the formulation of this right as a voluntary decision of one person about that person’s life.  The view that no one has the right to take from us the liberty to make such decisions to end our lives except ourselves appears to be the norm in this society for those who are near the end of their lives because of disease or condition.  Voluntariness is inextricably bound up with the decision to die to escape suffering near the end of life.  

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POLSTs and DNR orders are not Advance Directives

By | POLST | No Comments

Patients complete advance directives without a physician’s approval, though they may seek a physician’s advice in doing so.  Only a physician can issue a DNR order or a POLST, in consultation with the patient or surrogate.  So long as the preferences and directives of patients are an integral part of the process, POLSTs appear to be a useful addition to late-stage medical care decision making

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Ableism and the Right to Die

By | Disability, The Right to Die, VSED | 7 Comments

Last week, I referred a caller to the Final Exit Network (FEN) to John B. Kelly, a Not Dead Yet opponent of right-to-die (RTD) laws.  The person was inquiring on behalf of his brother (I’ll call him Carl) about the education and training services that FEN offers to applicants who want to hasten their deaths.  The brother was trying to learn if FEN could help Carl, who was despairing of his condition.

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