Physician-Assisted Suicide: Should You Have A Fundamental Right To Control Your Own Death?

By | Death With Dignity, End-of-Life Planning, Hospice, Medical Aid in Dying, Palliative Care, Right-to-Die Laws, Suffering and Death, The Right to Die | 6 Comments

“What is fundamentally the difference between a doctor pulling a plug on a machine that provides lifesaving nutrients to a person that could potentially stay ‘alive’ on it for years, and a doctor prescribing pills to a person with mere days or months to live to end their unnecessary suffering?”

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‘Til Death Do Us Part!

By | Advance Directives, Death, Death Wellness, Dying, End-of-life care, End-of-Life Planning, Good Death, Grief, Healthcare Power of Attorney, Healthcare Proxy, Palliative Care | 8 Comments

Death. Mortality. End of Life. Something inevitable, yet rarely discussed and a source of intense discomfort for most. When mentioned, it is considered inauspicious and rude in many cultures. Death is an integral part of the workday for a Critical Care Physician like me. But it was never a topic of discussion in Medical School or training.

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