
Advance Directives

The Impact Of Anticipated Grief For Care Givers Facing End Of Life Care For Loved Ones

By | Advance Directives, Anticipatory Grief, Caregiving, Death Anxiety, End-of-life care, End-of-Life Planning | One Comment

“Imagine you are sitting in a serene field with your loved one. The sun is shining and you feel happy. Then imagine later that day, being told that your loved one is ill or worse, the condition is life-limiting. The future of that morning suddenly has a very different outlook, and your priorities understandably change, with a re-prioritization of both your physical and emotional world.”

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Dying: You Have One Chance To Get It Right

By | Advance Directives, End-of-life care, End-of-Life Planning, Funeral Planning, Healthcare Power of Attorney, Healthcare Proxy, Hospice, Living Will, Palliative Care, Suffering and Death, Surrogate, Wills | 6 Comments

“Many of the individuals around the bedside barely know each other, and this becomes an environment of misinformation, mistrust, and hidden agendas about substantial financial and estate issues … as ex-wives and ex-husbands, half siblings who never knew each other, long-time same-sex partners (surprise, who knew?), in-laws, out-laws show up at the bedside.” — Dr. Edward T. Creagan, M.D.

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