Do you know what can go wrong without advance directives and an end-of-life plan? You have NO IDEA.
How we die is in direct relationship to how we have lived.
When it comes to your healthcare surrogate, do NOT name co-advocates!
Ordering more tests and surgeries for dying patients is easy. Getting them the end-of-life care they deserve takes much more effort.
When you’re a heartbeat from dying, the high-tech gizmo that keeps you alive may do so against your wishes.
When dementia looms, how do you define ‘guideposts’ to signal: Enough is enough?
American healthcare is supposed to help. At end of life, too often it victimizes us.
With or without Medical Aid in Dying, VSED offers a legal option; a new book explains all the ins and outs from every angle.
When you believe it’s time to go, what options do you really have? There are more than you you think, without having to resort to a violent ending.