“Once you come up with a few items that bring comfort and involve the senses, it becomes easier to construct an individualized plan to share with those who are near and dear to our hearts.”
“To be ‘death positive’ doesn’t mean that you are happy about dying.”
“Words matter. ‘By words we learn thoughts, and by thoughts we learn life.’ — Jean Baptiste Girard”
“I have the privilege to learn and hear interesting perspectives, along with all the questions and comments that our community members have, on the topics of death and dying. Here are a few insights I have gleaned from these discussions.”
“Having a sense of the possibilities in advance is essential to minimize surprises, make specific requests for end-of-life symptom management, and decide the possible paths available to you.”
“Do you ever worry about your own death, feel that life is too short, or dread the day you will lose someone you care about? You are not alone.”