An iconic philosopher rationalized suicide long before it became a contemporary academic concept.
A friend’s .357 “solution” reinforced his decision to learn from right-to-die groups.
Do you know what can go wrong without advance directives and an end-of-life plan? You have NO IDEA.
People with disabilities speak up for MAiD; some “rights” groups would deny them choice.
With all the ways to improve MAiD, should RTD advocates be concerned about healthy seniors who say, “I’ve lived long enough?”
When it comes to your healthcare surrogate, do NOT name co-advocates!
When you’re a heartbeat from dying, the high-tech gizmo that keeps you alive may do so against your wishes.
When dementia looms, how do you define ‘guideposts’ to signal: Enough is enough?
An end-game plan brings peace and security – even if it’s never used.