Please join us in welcoming author, podcast host, and end-of-life educator, and atheist chaplain Terri Daniel as a guest contributor to the blog.
Say hello to Althea Halchuck, FEN’s new surrogate consultant.
Why was suicide illegal, and what is the biblical basis for preaching about an eternal hell?
Has anyone ever told you that suicide (by whatever name) interferes with the will of God? It doesn’t, if you really know what the Bible says.
Words matter. Medical aid in dying (MAID or MAiD) is the term now widely accepted in law and medicine to describe the practice of a physician prescribing medication to a terminally ill, mentally competent, adult patient who may choose to ingest it to end suffering they find unbearable, and achieve a peaceful death. It is accurate language which should be used. Other terminology such as physician aid in dying may also be used, but increasingly there is a preference for the term medical aid in dying.