A friend’s .357 “solution” reinforced his decision to learn from right-to-die groups.
Managing dying and death is difficult enough. But if you do nothing, you’ll be a pawn in a profit-driven medical system.
Do you know what can go wrong without advance directives and an end-of-life plan? You have NO IDEA.
When it comes to your healthcare surrogate, do NOT name co-advocates!
Ordering more tests and surgeries for dying patients is easy. Getting them the end-of-life care they deserve takes much more effort.
When you’re a heartbeat from dying, the high-tech gizmo that keeps you alive may do so against your wishes.
When dementia looms, how do you define ‘guideposts’ to signal: Enough is enough?
American healthcare is supposed to help. At end of life, too often it victimizes us.