“Look at this book and let’s talk,” I imagine people saying. Or, “Read the story on page (X) and know that’s what I envision for myself.”
“Look at this book and let’s talk,” I imagine people saying. Or, “Read the story on page (X) and know that’s what I envision for myself.”
“Many memories are created through heart-based events, so it’s possible that dementia patients may have a repository of memories that reside inside their hearts.”
“Nature is an access point for everyone, of any age, to contemplate and understand the rhythmic ebb and flow of seasons, growth, change, transformation, life, and death.”
“Opponents of Death-with-Dignity (DWD) laws use several falsehoods in their attempts to prevent legislation from passing. We believe policy decisions affecting people with terminal illness should be made based on evidence and the actual content of the legislation.”
“The individual who has received the diagnosis has entered the experience of the last days of their life, and that is a daunting task. Fortunately, an ancient profession has become new again.”
“Part of the experience of death is finding ways to accept what has happened, express what we are feeling, and find ways to move on. We, as adults, need to find ways to help our children to do this too.”
“How can we aim for balanced and boundaried? How can we keep our hearts open – and actively engaged – while remaining steady in the face of another’s hardship? It’s useful to remember to take it in without taking it on.”
“You need to understand that you should not be afraid of dying. Be afraid of not living your life, of mindlessly moving from day to day …”
“Many agencies, home health providers, churches, and physicians are reluctant to recommend services that address end of life issues. It is sad and confusing why anyone would not give their friends, clients, or customers the guidance and comfort that trained professionals can offer.”
“Does the contract allow you to have access to your own doctors? What is the facility’s position on VSED? If you enter hospice, will they commit to providing adequate pain relief? If you live in a state with MAiD, will the facility cooperate?”