“So you think you’re free. You are part of a democratic society, so you have the freedom of choice in how you live – and die. Well, you don’t.”
“This committed couple who loved each other through life’s ups and downs were separated when Pat breathed her final breath.”
“After a two-hour appointment in which my mother was assessed and then diagnosed with dementia … my stepfather announced, “OK! So there’s nothing wrong with her!”
“The legal method I suggest most for a dignified and peaceful death is to stop all treatments, especially antibiotics.”
“New legislation and court judgments are further expanding access to MAID, some bringing new and different twists.”
“One facility used the term “provider-hastened death” and stated that it encompasses euthanasia.”
“Whose wishes for his medical treatment were we to honor? Those of my father back when he was a healthy, highly functioning geneticist? Or those of the simpler, weakened man my father had become?”
“If these five reasons don’t make a strong enough case for physicians to engage with their patients in advance care planning, here’s one more: it is simply the right thing to do.”
“Words matter. ‘By words we learn thoughts, and by thoughts we learn life.’ — Jean Baptiste Girard”
“’Life is really very simple. But — it’s difficult to realize that.” This is one of the last things my teacher said before he passed. A lesson for the living, spoken by the dying.”