“One of our team nurses shared that her only training on caring for the dying involved a lecture from a funeral home manager.”
“I dislike the phrase, ‘They failed treatment.’ The amount of judgment within this phrase is damaging.”
Research points to rise in deep grief as more families are left wondering what more could have been done.
“Once you come up with a few items that bring comfort and involve the senses, it becomes easier to construct an individualized plan to share with those who are near and dear to our hearts.”
“If we are trying to design a ‘good death’ we could well cause ourselves more suffering.” — Roshi Joan Halifax
“To be ‘death positive’ doesn’t mean that you are happy about dying.”
“What do you consider critical for your own GOOD DEATH CHECKLIST? What about those in your community of support? What would they want you to add (if you dare)?”
“So you think you’re free. You are part of a democratic society, so you have the freedom of choice in how you live – and die. Well, you don’t.”
“This committed couple who loved each other through life’s ups and downs were separated when Pat breathed her final breath.”
“After a two-hour appointment in which my mother was assessed and then diagnosed with dementia … my stepfather announced, “OK! So there’s nothing wrong with her!”